The lovely days of sunshine enjoyed this autumn lit up this garden area at the Hospital – which is looked after by a group of the Friends.
The tree on the left was planted a year ago in memory of Di Collins, who was a huge supporter of St. Margaret’s and worked tirelessly to keep hospital services in the St.Margaret’s area when changes were planned twenty-five years ago.
The pergola at the centre of the garden was also given by the Friends to enhance the area and the seat below. This is enjoyed by patients and staff alike on warm days. And the latest plan to make the garden even more special for patients will be seen in the spring. Access to the grass from the path can be difficult to negotiate for wheelchairs. So the decision was made by the Friends’ committee to use funds to make it easier. A hard surface path will give patients a smooth ride onto the lawn.
Like all gifts to St. Margaret’s, this is only possible thanks to the donations which come to us through annual subscriptions, in memoriam gifts – and fundraising by local groups and clubs which have been generous over the past year. If your sports club or friendship group can help us make a difference to our local hospital and its patients next year – please get in touch!